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CoverageMaster winAMS FAQ

Coverage Measurement

102_07: Position mismatched with the C0/C1 result and source line in the Coverage view.


In the Coverage view's source view the C1 coverage result may be displayed on a line without branches, or the C1 coverage result (T/F, 4/4, etc.) may not be displayed. It seems that the position of the source line is shifted, but why is this?


This happens when the source file referenced by the debug information in the object code tested has been modified (not the same source) from the time the object code was generated (compiled). This also applies when the analysis information of CasePlayer2 does not match the source file referenced from the debug information of the object code tested.

In this case, you need to do the following before you run a test:

- Rebuild the source code to bring the object code up to date
- From CasePlayer2 perform a "Re-create all Documents" to update the analysis information.

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