Regarding the ISO 26262 Automotive Functional Safety Certification of our Tools

  • Target Industries : Automotive/FA/Home electronics/Medical/OA and other industries
  • Target Category : Embedded Software Development Division
Regarding the ISO 26262 Automotive Functional Safety Certification of our Tools

Third-party certification organization TUV SUD granted our tools certification for the ISO 26262 automotive functional safety standards

GAIO's test tools, CoverageMaster winAMS, CasePlayer2, and QTE(Quality Town for Embedded grade), are tool-certified by TUV SUD, a German third-party certification organization, for development of in-vehicle Software that complies with the Automotive Functional Safety Standards (ISO 26262).

Certificate awarding ceremony

ISO 26262 Tool Functional Safety Standards for Automobiles Certification Acquired for the First Time in the Asian Region, Including Japan

On June 28, 2012, CoverageMaster winAMS/ General was the first Asian product in Japan and other Asian countries to acquire Tools certification for the ISO 26262 Functional Safety Standard for Automobiles from TUV SUD of Germany, a third-party certification organization.
Through this tool certification, GAIO's CoverageMaster winAMS/ General , QTE(Quality Town for Embedded grade) and Program Analysis Tool CasePlayer2 were recognized by TUV SUD as tools that comply with all safety integrity levels during the Static Analysis and Unit Test phases.

Compatible with all ASIL and TCLs

In-vehicle Software development projects that comply with ISO 26262 require that you set the TCL (Tool Confidence Level) of the tools you use. The use of tool-certified GAIO tools allows users to omit tool-certification tasks regardless of TCL.
Since acquiring this certification, each major version of CoverageMaster winAMS , CasePlayer2 and QTE(Quality Town for Embedded grade) has been re-certified.

Tool certification history

CoverageMaster winAMS V3. 5 Certification: ISO 26262 : 2012/6
For the CoverageMaster winAMS V3. 6 and CasePlayer2 V5.6, we became the first in the Asian region, including Japan, to acquire tool certification for the functional safety standard ISO 26262 for automobiles.
CoverageMaster winAMS V3. 6 Re-Certification: ISO 26262/IEC 61508 : 2013/06
CoverageMaster winAMS/ General obtained tool certification again in 2013/6/21 by adding the measurement functions of "Function Coverage" and "Call Coverage" required in the join test phase and by implementing the requirements of IEC 61508, the metastandard of ISO 26262.
CoverageMaster winAMS V3. 7 Re-Certification: ISO 26262/IEC 61508 : 2014/12
"CoverageMaster winAMS/ General" obtained tool certification again in 2014/12/17 by adding the implementation of "Test Data Analysis Editor" which can be used in required specification unit test data design and "Command Line Interface (CLI)" for test automation.
CoverageMaster winAMS V6. 0 Re-Certification: ISO 26262/IEC 61508 : 2015/09
"CoverageMaster winAMS/ General" received tool certification again in 2015/09/18 after adding support for "parallel execution of microcomputer simulators" and "improved interface".
CoverageMaster winAMS V6.2 Re-Certification: ISO 26262/IEC 61508 : 2017/06
"CoverageMaster winAMS/ General" reinforced the "Test Case Generation Editor" function and re-acquired tool certification.
CoverageMaster winAMS V6.3 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2018/06
The CoverageMaster winAMS/ General improved the batch-execution function to promote test automation and increased the memory capacity to accommodate large-scale Software, and obtained tool certification again.
CoverageMaster winAMS v6.4.1/v6.5/v7.0 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2021/12
・Compatibility with C++11(ISO/IEC 14882:20119) and C++14(IEC 14882:2014)implemented
・Compatibility with High Speed (SX) Simulator (when using General Microcontroller)
・Coverage Measurement for Template Functions (when using General Microcontroller)

・Test Data Generator Function added for Test Automation
* Limited to Users with [Accelerator Option]
・Functionality added to allow Manual Input of Test Data that could not be generated by Test Data Generator Function
・Functionality added to search for Non-Covered Code in Coverage View

・[MBT Option] Function added to enable Back To Back Testing in Model Based Development
・Functionality added to allow automatic designation of const variables as Input Variables
* Limited to Users with [Accelerator Option]
・Library Interface Change (when using General Microcontroller)
・Improvement to Rounding Error when using Floating Point Variables (when using General Microcontroller)

The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.

CoverageMaster winAMS V7.0/V7.1 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2022/03
Change to Floating Point Matching Decision Criteria (Comparison of Output Value and Expected Value), Improvement of Differences in Execution Count between Multi-Rate Model and Code in MBT Option, Change in Variable Structure Array, Correlation between Scalar Signals and Linear Signals, Test Data Input, Test Data Output in Hexadecimal, Matching Decision for double type Variables, HTML Report Item Names, Matching Model File Name to SLDD File.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
CoverageMaster winAMS R8.0 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2022/10
From this Version onward, the Version Annotation is changed from V(Version) to R(Release).
In the Accelerator Option, The Test Data Generator Function has been improved by adding a 64-bit Test Data Generator and its related Environment Variables, and HTML File Output has been improved.
In the MBT Option, Matlab Support has been added for Versions R2019a up to R2021a, Test Data Input in Hexidecimal or Binary, and a Mapping Function with a Regular Expression Filter have been added.
There has also been improvement in the reading of Reactis/Reactis for C Formatted CSV Files, Automatic Disabling of Data Selection in MILS Execution and improvement to Links in HTML Report Output.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
CoverageMaster winAMS R8.1 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2023/03
Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 added as compatible Operating Systems, Collation Programme for Operating Status Visibility Function has been modified to work with 64 Bit Excel Versions.
In the MBT Option, Matlab Support has been added for Version R2021b, Multi-Dimensional Array Simulation and Bus Array Simulation Functions have been added. There has also been improvement in the reading of Reactis/Reactis for C Formatted CSV Files.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
CoverageMaster winAMS R9.0 Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2024/03
Windows11 added as compatible Operating System, Simultaneous use of Tools in Multi-Sessions enabled, and improvement made to Tool use with Multi-Displays.Performance and Stability during Simulator Execution has been improved.
In the MBT Option, Matlab Support has been added for Version R2022a, Multi Session environments have been implemented,
As part of the implementation of PROMPT, PROMPT format CSV files can now be read into and used by the MBT Option, and Test Data created by the MBT Option can be output as PROMPT Format CSV files and used as input data for PROMPT.
Also, Automatic Mapping using Embedded Coder Information has been enabled, 64 Bit data has been enabled, and improvements made to the Evidence function of Models with no output signals.
Improvements have been made in MILS execution, including an Error Message if there is no Input Data.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R1 Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2021/04
QTE is officially certified by the TUV-SUD Organization in accordance with all Safety Standards for Unit Testing and Integrated Testing.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R1B(R1.1.0) Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2021/09
Docker(Ubuntu16.04) has been enabled, CMake has been enabled, and the CI/CT Environment Operation has been improved. Google Test Macros have been added, allowing easier creation of Makefiles and Settings files (*.qtes).
Coverage Results Display and other Functionality have been improved, and the Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R1C(R1.2.0) Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2022/02
Ubuntu18.04 has been enabled, a Functional Safety Report for Project Management, and a GCC Coverage Report for Iterative Development on a Native PC have been implemented, Functionality has been improved for Functional Safety Reports and Virtual Environments (Docker Container).
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R1D(R1.3.0) Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2023/01
Compatible Target Systems (OS and Microcontrollers) have been added, Coverage Measurement and Report Creation for Functional Tests not using Google Test have been enabled.
XML Format Report Output, and additional Cross-Compiler (ARM compiler 6.14(armclang)) options have been added.
Test Report Output Functions, TEst Environment Creation Procedures, and overall Usability have been improved.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R1E(R1.4.0) Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2023/06
Interoperability with the Traceability Tool has been improved, Operating Environments and new Reporting Functions have been added.
Preparation of Functional Safety Evidence and Report Creation that takes ino account Target Output Values.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.
Quality Town for Embedded grade(QTE)R2A(R2.0.0) Re-Certified for ISO 26262 / IEC 61508 : 2023/11
Compatible Target Systems (OS and Microcontrollers) have been added, and Support for Target Environments not using POSIX (NonPOSIX) has been improved.
Further, some Option Names have been changed to simplify their setting. Non Native-Standard Header Files and 32 Bit Microcontroller Source Code have been enabled, and a check for Maximum length File and Directory Path names has been added.
Limitations on Test Report file names have been removed, and unnecessary test results are no longer output to the Test Report.
Coverage Measurement can now carried out on multiple objects created from the same Source Code. and Test Result Data Volume can be reduced.
The License format has been changed, and other improvements have been implemented.
The Tool has been Re-Certified with the above improvements implemented.

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